Inn Between Ride, parts 1 & 2

Ride bikes to bars named “inn” by way of in-between spaces, variously literal and figurative. The ride is free, but bring money for drinks and food.

Want more inn time and less in-between time? See Inn Between Ride #1.

Want less inn time and more in-between time? See Inn Between Ride #2.

Ride the routes anytime on your own, or join me on September 25, 2020, for ride #1 or September 26, 2020 for ride #2. Because it’s 2020, masks and distancing are required, and all stops will stay outdoors. Depending on how many people show, we’ll stagger into smaller groups if needed. RSVPs are appreciated, but not required.

Short link to share these ride:

Josh (aka carrythebanner)

Inn Between Ride #1

Approximately 6 miles; not a loop. Stops at:

  • Reel M Inn
  • Sewallcrest Park (in lieu of temporarily-closed Belmont Inn)
  • Bear Paw Inn
Inn Between Ride #1 route map

View Inn Between Ride #1 route on RideWithGPS

If there’s not enough outdoor seating available at Reel M Inn, we’ll grab food & drinks to go and head to Piccolo Park (just a few blocks away).

Since Belmont Inn is temporarily closed, in its place we’ll stop at Belmont Market across the street and then stopover in Sewallcrest Park.

Ends at Bear Paw Inn’s patio seating.

Inn Between Ride #2

Approximately 9 miles; not a loop. Stops at:

  • New 715 Inn
  • Goose Hollow Inn
  • Bear Paw Inn
Inn Between Ride #2 route map

View Inn Between Ride #2 route on RideWithGPS

If there’s not enough outdoor seating available at New 715 Inn, we’ll roll on to the next stop.

Goose Hollow Inn should have plenty of outdoor space, but we can detour to a park if needed.

Ends at Bear Paw Inn’s patio seating.